• Unione Europea
  • Repubblica Italiana
  • Regione Toscana
  • Coltiviamo il Futuro - Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2007-2013
  • Indicazione geografica protetta
Castagneto Carducci

Tuscany, land of art, oil and tradition

Green hills, uncontaminated nature, old beautiful neighborhoods surrounded by majestic cypress trees and sea of dreams. Tuscany, land of art, culture and creativity made with passion, passion transferred to food and wine of high quality production. But above all, Tuscany is synonymous with land where you can taste excellent products created by the craftsmanship and centuries-old traditions.In the heart of “Costa degli Etruschi”, Castagneto Carducci, is one of the most beautiful areas of Italy, residence of painters, writers, journalists, politicians, actors, musicians and poets. Among these Giosuè Carducci, who for many years lived in this beautiful village and he was able to transmit the force, the beauty and bounty of this land.

Certificazione IGP Toscano

Toscano IGP with the protected geographical indication (PGI) denomination

Within the European Community a Geographical Indication is a distinctive sign used to identify a product as originating in the territory of a particular country, region or locality where its quality, reputation or other characteristic is linked to its geographical origin. Geographical indications are often place names that identify the products that originate there and have the characteristics associated with that particular place. Geographical indications are a useful intellectual property right because of their potential to add value and promote rural, social and economic development. The Toscano Igp (Protected Geographical Indication Pgi) extra virgin olive oil meets these standards in that the oil is processed in accordance with the Toscano Igp guidelines which impose and guarantees not only that all the stages of production actually take place in Tuscany but also its quality and typical features. The olives utilized for Toscano Igp extra virgin oil are obtained from crops that grow within the administrative territory of the Tuscan Region and the harvesting and processing are also done locally. Furthermore, the suitable climate mingled with the traditional cultivating techniques adopted by talented farmers have turned the olives into an oil of excellence and it is with satisfaction and pride that it is commercialized.

Proprietà Olio

Toscano PGI extra virgin olive oil characteristics

Extravirgin olive oil is the basic ingredient of a healthy Mediterranean diet, it is the best dressing for typical dishes, the basic requisite to create harmonious and balanced recipes. It is easily digestible, rich in fiber and in vitamin E.

Curiosità Olio Poesia

Olio Poesia Curiosities

The sensation of tickle in the back of the throat, felt after tasting the extravirgin oil Toscano Pgi is synonymous with quality and health, and it is due on a substance called oleocantale. Freshness and purity exalt the bitterness and the tingle. The proof of this is the simple operation of any taste of olive oil in an oil mill, just welled up from the separator. This is typical taste of olives grown and cultivated in Tuscany: the hilly landscape and the proximity to the sea make a good thermal day-night and the collection of olives could made during or immediately after the their veraison (the change of olives from bright green color to characteristic one).


A Greek myth tells how Athena conquered the Attic in the war against Poseidon. Zeus said that he would award the victory to the opponent that would bring him the most useful gift for mankind and Athena brought him an olive tree. According to a medieval legend, the seeds that grew to become the three trees (a palm, Cyprus and olive tree) on the tomb of Adam on Mount Tabor came directly from Paradise. More recently the inhabitants of Tuscany, the Etruscan, adapted the myth of Athena to justify the abundance of olive trees in this Region. They affirmed that it was precisely here that Athena "created" the olive tree that brought upon her the victory against Poseidon. Be it myth, legend or history the association of the olive with the Region of Tuscany has been known since ancestry and it is with pride that this region has since retained the fame of being a supplier of oil of excellent quality. In ancient times myth and legends were quoted to explain incomprehensible events however, the favorable environmental and climatic conditions that characterize this land are what justify its rich vegetation of olive trees. Unique to this Region are the "silver lined" landscapes. Striking to the visitor, this visual perception is nothing less than the sun's rays reflection off the leaves of the olive trees. The olives utilized to produce the extra virgin olive oil in the land of Dante are mainly the "Frantoio", the "Moraiolo", the "Leccino", and the "Pendolino", all of which give excellent oil and who's health benefits are known world-wide. In the interest of the consumer, the farmers have continued to improve the quality of this product following with scrupulous attention all the steps of the chain of supply to ensure that the olives grow, are picked, crushed and bottled in compliance with strict directives. Today the Toscano Igp (Protected Geographical Indication Pgi) certified extra virgin olive oil, is a controlled product governed by regulations that enforce quality and typicality. This oil is a tasty condiment, rich in natural saturated fat and antioxidants which are recommended to maintain a healthy body.

The cooperative

Terre Etruria, Farming Cooperative between producers, extends along the Etruscan Coast, starting from Pisa until to Grosseto. It pays particular attention to the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, where tradition meets innovation to offer a genuine, authentic and certified Toscano PGI oil, appreciates on the typical tuscan dishes.

This oil on each bite tells the story of those who have worked with passion and pride to product it and, at the same time, it lets taste the image of the land where it was born and matured. The olives of Terre Etruria derived only from the land of the cooperative producers and the cold pressing takes place in mills business.

The result is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil that ensures Quality and Personality, Passion and Commitment, needed to reach the certification and the guarantee by the Consortium for the Protection of extra virgin olive oil PGI. This authority, in more than 15 years of activity, with more than 11,000 members, was able to protect and promote the Tuscan extra virgin olive oil in Italy and abroad, certifying compliance with the product specification on all stages of processing extra virgin olive oil PGI, from harvesting and milling of olives and packaging of the product, which must necessarily take place within Tuscany.

This oil is also subject, in order to be certified, to chemical and sensory tests (taste by commissions paid by the Ministry of Agriculture) to check its compliance with the specification. That's how you get an excellence that was born and raised in Tuscany, an Extra Virgin Olive Oil PGI guaranteed by consortium.

Olio con sapiente arte spremuto
Dal puro frutto degli annosi olivi
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Oil from the art of skilful pressing
Of pure ancient olive fruits
(loosely translated)